As a hub for information on species at risk in BC, it is important to connect with the many organizations that are working towards similar goals. The following organizations will provide further valuable information and tools as you work to protect species at risk in your community or within a project site. All of the organizations, guides, legislature, and websites referenced throughout the SAR Primer Hub can be found below.
If there are key organizations you think we should include in this list, let us know!
Stewardship Centre for BC pages
- Birds and Wildlife in Canada:
- Coastal Shore Stewardship:
- Stewardship Practices Case Study:
British Columbia Government web pages
- The Conservation Data Centre covers all COSEWIC and SARA listed species and the many others found on the provincial Red and Blue lists. It is probably the best place to start searching for more detailed information:
- Biodiversity page:
- Identified Wildlife Management Strategy:
- Information on Species at Risk legislation:
- B.C.’s Species at Risk Legislation that is underway:
- The Species at Risk Local Government working group put out this guide:
- B.C. Government’s Develop with care guidelines:
- Bear Smart:
- Best management practices for raptor conservation during urban and rural land development in British Columbia (2013):
- Best management practices for amphibians and reptiles in urban and rural environments in British Columbia:
- Brochures for species at risk, broken down into different ecosystems:
Provincial Legislation in British Columbia
- BC Wildlife Act:
- BC’s Community Charter:
- Community Charter, including Environment and Wildlife regulation:
- Local Government Act
Federal Legislation and Resources
- The Species at Risk Act (2002):
- SARA and You, Information for Private Landowners:
- The Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (1992):
- The Fisheries Act (1985):
- The Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994:
- The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk:
- Species at Risk Public Registry, Funding and support:
- The National Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk:
- The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada:
- Federal Marine Protected Areas strategy:
- Transport Canada guidelines for the prevention of non-native species introductions:
- Government brochure: A Guide to Species at Risk in Canada: Information for private landowners
- Nature Serve Explorer is an ‘online encyclopedia of life’ that provides summaries of the known distribution, taxonomy, and ecology of over 50,000 species and ecosystems in the United States and Canada:
- The Species at Risk Act (2002):
International Agreements
- UN Convention on Biological Diversity:
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature:
- The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES):
Provincial Resources and NGOs
- E-Flora is a UBC-based atlas of British Columbia’s plants provides species descriptions, occurrence maps, high-quality photographs, detailed plant identification aids, and more:
- E-Fauna is also a UBC-based atlas, but of British Columbia’s wildlife. It aims to cover all invertebrates and vertebrates in the province:
- West Coast Environmental Law. 2003. Smart Bylaws- Summary. Available at
- This Bylaws Guide was developed to assist local governments in implementing smart growth strategies through policy and bylaw changes. The Guide brings together the best practices of municipalities across BC and highlights other innovators in the US.
- Biodiversity BC:
- Managing Species at risk in BC: guidance for resource professionals:
- Conservation Fund Guide for BC (South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program):
- South Okanagan – Similkameen Conservation Program:
- South Coast Conservation Program:
- Bear Smart Society:
- Invasive Plant Council:
- Provincial Agricultural Land Commission:
- Managed Forest Lands:
- The Wetland Keeper’s Handbook: A Practical Guide to Wetland Care. 2012.
Regional or Local Government Pages
Below are some useful resources for learning more about the multitude of species in British Columbia (last updated in June 2018). Many guides and online tools to help with identification are included. The sections are divided by species category.
Biodiversity and Natural History
Online Resources: Austin, M.A., and Eriksson, A. (2009). The Biodiversity Atlas of British Columbia. Biodiversity BC. Central Coast Biodiversity. (Based out of the University of Victoria): Darling, L.M. (ed). (2000). At Risk: Proceedings of a Conference on the Biology and Management of Species and Habitats At Risk. BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and University College of the Cariboo. Available at: Database for Wildlife Diversity in British Columbia: Distribution and Habitat Use of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals in Biogeoclimatic Zones: Moola, F., Page, D., Connolly, M., and Coulter, L. (2007). Waiting for the Ark: the Biodiversity Crisis in British Columbia, Canada, and the Need for a Strong Endangered Species Law. Biodiversity. (1). Available at Pojar, J. (2010). A New Climate for Conservation: Nature, Carbon and Climate Change. West Coast Environmental Law. Vancouver, BC. Available at · Chapter 1.9 of this report situates BC’s species at risk within a broader context and outlines some limitations of our current policies.
Available in print: Cannings, R., and Cannings, S. (2015). British Columbia: A Natural History of its Origins, Ecology, and Diversity with a New Look at Climate Change. 3rd edition. Greystone Books. Vancouver, BC. Mendoza-Fernández, A.J., and Mota, J.F. (2016). Red Lists Versus Nature Protection Acts: New Analytical and Numerical Method to test Threat trends, Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (2), 239. Mammals
Online Resources: Community Bat Program of BC: Ford, J., and Nichol, L. (Date unk). Marine Mammals of British Columbia. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Nagorsen, D.W. (2002). An Identification Manual to the Small Mammals of BC. BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management and the Royal BC Museum. Available at: Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D.M. (eds.). (2005). Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference, Third edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Two volumes. Available at: Available in print: Ford, J.K.B. (2014). Marine Mammals of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Hatler, D.F., Nagorsen, D.W., and Beal, A.M. (2008). Carnivores of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Nagorsen, D.W. (2011). Rodents and Lagomorphs of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Nagorsen, D.W., and Brigham, R.M. (1993). Bats of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Pattie, D., and Eder, T. (2003). Mammals of British Columbia. Lone Pine Publishing. Shackleton, D. (2013). Hoofed Mammals of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Birds
Online resources: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Macaulay Library: E-Nature Field guides: Dendroica: An aid to identifying Western Hemisphere Birds. Environment and Climate Change Canada and USGS. Available in print: Campbell, W., and Kennedy, G. (2009). Birds of British Columbia. Lone Pine Press. Vancouver, BC. Campbell, W., Dawe, N.K., McTaggart-Cowan, I., Cooper, J.M., Kaiser, G.W., McNall, M.C.E., G.E. Smith, J. (vol. 3) and Stewart, A. (vol. 4). (1990-2001). The Birds of British Columbia: Volumes 1- 4. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Dorst, A. (2018). The Birds of Vancouver Island’s West Coast. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Dunn, J.L., and Alderfer, J. (eds.). (2008). Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America. National Geographic Society. Sibley, D.A. (2016). Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America, Second edition. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. Reptiles and Amphibians
Online resources: MFLNRO (Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations). (2017). Best Management Practices for Amphibian and Reptile Salvages in British Columbia. Version 1.0. Available at: MFLNRO (Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations). (2014). Guidelines for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation during Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia. A companion document to Develop with Care. Available at: Sielecki, L.E. (2010). Wildlife Identification Field Guide. Red and Blue Listed Amphibians and Reptiles in British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Engineering Branch. Victoria, BC. Available at: Zevit, P. and Matsuda, B. (2012). BC’s Coast Region: Species and Ecosystems of Concern: Western Painted Turtle – Pacific Coast Population (Chrysemys picta pop.1).
Available in print: Corkran, C.C., and Thoms, C. (2006). Amphibians of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia: A Field Identification Guide. Lone Pine Publishing, Vancouver, BC. Matsuda, B.M., Green, D.M., and Gregory, P.T. (2006). Amphibians and Reptiles of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Freshwater Fish
Online resources: McPhail, J.D., and Carveth, R. (1994). Field Key to the Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia. The Province of British Columbia. Resources Inventory Committee. Available at The Identicard Company: Fish Identification. (2015). Available in print: Cannings, S., and Ptolemy, J. (1998). Rare Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia. BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks. (See individual species accounts at Species and Ecosystem Explorer.)
McPhail, J.D. (2007). The Freshwater Fishes of British Columbia. University of Alberta Press. Quinn, T. (2018). The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout, Second edition. University of Washington Press, Seattle. Invertebrates
Online resources: Guide for Identifying snails in the Fraser Valley: Graf, D.L., and Cummings, K.S. (2014). The Freshwater Mussels (Unionoida) of the World (and other less consequential bivalves), updated 15 November 2014. MUSSEL Project Web Site, Paulson, D.R., and Dunkle, S.W. (2011). A Checklist of North American Odonata including English name, Etymology, Type locality, and Distribution. Originally published as Occasional Paper No. 56, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, June 1999; completely revised March 2009; updated February 2011. Available at: Available in print: Cannings, R. (2018). A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest. Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, BC. Forsyth, R.G., (2004). Land Snails of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. Guppy, G.S., and Shepard, J.H. (2001). The Butterflies of British Columbia. University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver, BC. To order the book or updated (2007) PDF version go to:
Vascular plants, mosses, and lichens
Online resources: Province of British Columbia. (2008). Invasive plants identification field guide. Forest Ranges and Practices Act Resource Evaluation Program. E-Flora (UBC-based atlas): Available in print: Pojar, J. and MacKinnon, A. (2016). Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska (revised edition). Lone Pine International. Mackinnon, A., Pojar, J., and Coupe, R. (1999). Plants of Northern British Columbia. Lone Pine Publishing. Douglas, G.W., Meidinger, D.V., and Penny, J.L. (2002). Rare Native Vascular Plants of British Columbia, Second edition. BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. (See individual species accounts at Species and Ecosystem Explorer.)
Parish, R., Coupe, R., and Lloyd, D. (1996). Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia. Lone Pine Publishing. McCune, B. (2009). Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest (second edition). Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. Brodo, I. (2016). Keys to Lichens of North America: Revised and Expanded. Yale University Press, New Haven.
As a hub for information on species at risk in BC, it is important to connect with the many organizations that are working towards similar goals. The following organizations will provide further valuable information and tools as you work to protect species at risk in your community or within a project site. All of the organizations, guides, legislature, and websites referenced throughout the SAR Primer Hub can be found below.
If there are key organizations you think we should include in this list, let us know!
Stewardship Centre for BC pages
British Columbia Government web pages
Provincial Legislation in British Columbia
Federal Legislation and Resources
International Agreements
Provincial Resources and NGOs
Regional or Local Government Pages
Below are some useful resources for learning more about the multitude of species in British Columbia (last updated in June 2018). Many guides and online tools to help with identification are included. The sections are divided by species category.
Biodiversity and Natural History
Reptiles and Amphibians
Freshwater Fish
Vascular plants, mosses, and lichens