Species at Risk | Management Strategies
What is a management strategy?
While legislation is an important component of protection and recovery for species at risk, ensuring that proper practices are taking place on the ground requires a variety of strategies from different parties. Management strategies may be legally required or could be part of a stewardship initiative.
Following best management practices will help to ensure that development or restoration projects have the least impacts on sensitive ecosystems. Before every project, it is important to come up with a detailed plan for how to reduce negative impacts to natural ecological processes and to species at risk in the area. In addition to protecting critical habitat, a management strategy may include a plan to help the recovery of a certain species.
Different groups will require management strategies specific to their responsibilities and area of expertise. SCBC aims to provide a starting place to help guide the management process.

The following sections take you through some steps that will help you come up with a management plan for your site, and Table 2 takes you through some considerations and strategies that local governments of individuals could take.