Why are nature-based solutions important to you?
Results of an online Green Shores survey 2021.
What does an ideal shoreline look like to our stewards?
“95% natural features like rough woody debris, vegetation and extensive microtopography, but 5% user-friendly water access for recreational uses, pets and swimming.”
As natural as possible
Lots of wildlife habitat
Green, clean, and lively
Stable to absorb wave energy
Free of invasive plants
Diverse, complex and beautiful
Soft armour design
Healthy ecosystems
Sustainable infrastructure
“Natural, unless altered to be prepared to adapt to climate change and sea-level rise, including public green space/waterfront accessible to the public.”
Why are nature-based solutions important to our stewards?
Survey results showed that stewards value nature-based solutions like Green shores in shoreline management because soft shore approaches make shorelines
- long lived and functional
- resilient against climate change
- nurturing native plants and animals
- not destructive to existing organisms
- less costly to maintain
- sustainable and adaptable to sea-level rise
“For protection of watersheds from sedimentation and pollution for the health of populations and future generations while minimizing energy-intense and wasteful maintenance endeavours.”
“Aquatic ecosystems are vital and protecting them using nature-based solutions seems like the most viable option in order to prevent pollution and harm to the ecosystems.”
“They help restore our coasts’ natural appearance, reverse biodiversity loss, and protect our communities from the impacts of climate change.”
“We need to keep as much diversity as we can to ensure resilience with rising temperatures. We need to have clean water, prevent flooding and help natural habitats”
“It’s important because it conserves the environment, creates habitats for endangered species, lowers carbon emissions, and restores an aesthetic natural beauty to communities.”
Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey! This questionnaire was organized by the Stewardship Centre for BC and the TransCoastal Adaptation: Centre for Nature-based Solutions in September 2021.
For more information about Green Shores and nature-based solutions available for your shoreline, visit the Green Shores website.