Green Shores | Resources
The Province of British Columbia has partnered with the Stewardship Centre for BC to develop an Expedited Permit Guide and a Nature-based Shoreline Projects Checklist for residents of the province. Both resources were based on the principle of the Green Shores®
program that encourages shoreline projects to use nature-based erosion protection and restoration in sites where erosion protection is needed.
The Nature-based Shoreline Project Checklist is intended to provide owners and Crown Lease holders of marine waterfront property a pathway to construct nature-based erosion protection and restoration works that avoid or minimize adverse impacts on the environment, navigation, safety, community values, the interests of the public, and the legal rights of First Nations and others.
The Expedited Permit Guide was developed to aid property owners, and managers navigate the expedited permitting checklist. Shoreline project proponents (owners and Crown Lease holders of marine waterfront property) should use this guide in conjunction with the checklist to pull together all the required information for an application using the expedited process for nature-based erosion protection and restoration works.