Private land stewardship is about the voluntary conservation of natural resources, wildlife and fish habitat by landowners and concerned citizens. This guide is for individuals and community groups interested in promoting stewardship with private landowners. It describes a systematic approach designed to provide landowners with information about ecological values and stewardship practices. Instead of being told what’s best for their land, owners are asked “how can we help you” maintain the natural features of the land?
Landowner contact is the best way to promote private land stewardship. Helping people care voluntarily for the land is essential to any conservation strategy for the entire landscape. British Columbia’s unique biological diversity, wildlife and fish populations cannot be protected solely through the formation of public parks. Voluntary stewardship is essential to the protection of sensitive ecosystems on privately owned land – and is also more economical and effective that management by government regulation and enforcement.
The key to success with landowner contact is building a relationship based on respect, understanding, and trust. Most landowners appreciate the effort made to inform them about the ecological values of their property – whether or not they opt to participate in a program. They must be respected for their actions, whatever they decide.
The Landowner Contact Guide is based on the principles and methods developed by the Natural Heritage League in Ontario. Dr. Stewart Hilts and his colleagues of the League deserve much recognition for their achievements in promoting private land stewardship. We are grateful for their encouragement and willingness to share the results of their work
Instagram: @StewardshipBC