Is your household cat and bird - friendly?
Do you keep your cats safe at home? Do you have a catio or a leash-trained cat? Is your cat spayed/neutered? Do you have bird-friendly stickers on your windows?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you are the kind of a person we need! By your example, everyone will be inspired to create an environment where cats and birds are happy and safe.

“Cat and Bird-Friendly Household” Decal
We are excited to celebrate champions like you and grow our community of responsible pet owners who make British Columbia a safer place for cats, birds, other wildlife and people!
Take a quick survey to tell us about cat-friendly and bird-friendly practices that you use to protect your pet(s) and local birds. You can receive a free window decal and have your story featured on our Happy Cat Gallery!
See details below on how you can participate.
Who can participate
Both cat owners and organizations who support keeping cats indoors and supervised outdoors can take part in our survey and receive a free window decal. Participation is open to all residents of British Columbia.
How to participate
In order to have your household or an organization certified as cat and bird-friendly, you just need to take our quick survey:
- Take a survey online – click here to start!
- Enter your email in a survey to receive a free window decal!
Yes, it is that simple!
In addition, you can send us photos of your cat(s) to be featured in our Happy Cat Gallery:
- Choose one or several photos of your cat(s) playing at home, enjoying a catio, walking on a leash or other
- Email photos to SCBC Cats and Birds Coordinator at
What is on the decal?