Cats and Birds | Bird Feeding
What bird food to use
- Choose nutritionally appropriate food for visiting birds
- Use fresh seeds
- Supply grit for birds to aid them in food grinding
“Mixes that contain oats, rice, corn or wheat can attract pests and are low in nutrients needed by birds in Canada. Look for seed high in oil content, such as CWF’s Songbird Medley and Vibrance, which are designed based on the natural nutrients birds need.” – Canadian Wildlife Service
Choosing good seeds
Different birds require different nutrition to stay strong, healthy and be able to satisfy their energy demands. Appropriate nutrition is important for their immune system which is crucial for fighting off infections
- DO NOT feed birds with kitchen scraps, salty, mouldy or sugary foods
- Grit, like clean sand, gravel and sanitized eggshells, is essential for helping birds break down their food. Remember to provide safe grit to visiting birds. Learn about grit options on the FeederWatch page.
- Browse through this interactive page Common feeder birds to pick the species you’d like to support and find out about the food type and the feeder style that they like!
- Find more tips and Canadian quality birdseed blends on the Canadian Wildlife Federation bird feeding web
To learn more about ways you can help birds, visit our Cats and Birds – Helping Birds page.