Green Shores | Webinars
Green Shores for Shoreline Development 2020: an update for shoreline practitioners
June 24, 2020 | Click to Watch online
Of special interest to shoreline professionals who use or are interested in using Green Shores in their professional practice, in this webinar DG Blair (Stewardship Centre for BC) and Jim Johannessen (Coastal Geologic Services, Inc.) provide participants with an overview of the recent update to the Green Shores for Coastal Development credits and ratings guide. The guide, now called Green Shores for Shoreline Development, is now applicable to lake shores as well as Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Highlights of key changes, case studies and the application of Green Shores for Shoreline Development are covered.

DG Blair, M.Sc.
Executive Director
Stewardship Centre for BC
As the Executive Director of the Stewardship Centre for BC, DG provides leadership and project management for delivery of stewardship projects and resources to audiences throughout BC. With deep experience in science-based best management practices for land and water, DG has been instrumental in the development, application, and proliferation of the Green Shores program, an incentive-based credit and rating system for minimizing the impact of new shoreline developments as well as restoring the shoreline ecosystem function of previously developed sites. She has co-authored numerous publications on Green Shores, delivers Green Shores Level 1 and Level 2 training to communities in BC; is a member of Natural Resources Canada’s Coastal Management Working Group; manages the BC Green Shores Local Government Working Group; and provides overall technical expertise and project management for Green Shores in Canada: coast to coast to coast.

Jim Johannessen
Licensed Eng. Geologist, MS
Principal, Engineering Geologist
Coastal Geologic Services, Inc.
Jim specializes in beach and estuarine processes, coastal erosion mitigation, coastal restoration, and applied coastal management. He has designed over 150 implemented soft shore protection and beach and estuary restoration/enhancement projects including over 35 bulkhead removal projects throughout the Salish Sea. Jim has worked as a professional consultant in Puget Sound since 1984 and started Coastal Geologic Services (CGS) in 1993. He has a BS in geology and oceanography from Univ. Rhode Island and an MS in coastal geology from Western Washington University, and is a Licensed Engineering Geologist and Geologist in Washington. Jim was the lead author for the 2014 Marine Shoreline Design Guidelines for WDFW and the Beaches and Bluffs of Puget Sound white paper for the Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership and the Corps of Engineers. Jim led the team at CGS to complete the update of Green Shores for Shoreline Development guide for the Stewardship Centre for BC.
Webinar Recording
Recording of the Green Shores for Shoreline Development 2020: an update for shoreline professionals webinar is available on the SCBC YouTube channel.
To watch, please click on the link below.
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