Green Shores | About the Program

The Stewardship Centre for BC – along with its funding partners – started the Green Shores program in 2005. The initiative promotes healthy shore environments that provide significant environmental, economic, and social values to coastal communities.
What is Green Shores?
Green Shores is an initiative that provides science-based tools and best practices to help people:
- minimize the impacts of new developments; and
- restore shoreline ecosystem function of previously developed sites.
An overview of the Green Shores Program
The Green Shores initiative includes 3 main program areas: (i) Green Shores for Shoreline Development; (ii) Green Shores for Homes; and (iii) Green Shores for Local Government. The program also offers training and certification programs and in the near future, a registration for Green Shores Approved Professionals. Please visit the Program and Training page for more details on these elements of the Green Shores Program

Who can use Green Shores?
Green Shores has something to offer many, including:

- property owners and managers,
- local and regional governments,
- planning, design and construction professionals.