Green Shores | Projects
Green Shores is currently engaged in three active projects: Resilient Coasts for Salmon, Green Shores Incentives project and Green Shores for Homes guide update 2023. For an overview of each project, please visit the pages below:
Resilient Coasts for Salmon (RC4S): The Resilient Coasts for Salmon collaborative project was initiated by the Stewardship Centre for BC and the Pacific Salmon Foundation to raise awareness about the Green Shores program, to educate the public on the principles and applications of nature-based solutions in shoreline management and how to take action to restore habitat for native plants and animals.
Green Shores Incentives project: the Green Shores Incentives project aims to build partnerships to foster climate adaptation in communities that are prone to coastal surge and shoreline erosion.
Green Shores for Homes Guide Update 2021-2023: Working with partners from Maritimes, British Columbia and Washington State, the project will update the Green Shores for Homes guide for application on the Pacific and Atlantic shorelines, work with local governments in BC and Nova Scotia, and provide training to shoreline practitioners on both coasts.