Greening Shorelines to Enhance Resilience: An evaluation of approaches for adaption to sea level rise. June 2014. This report describes the results of an initial study to advance policies and practices in British Columbia and elsewhere, with rega
Green Shores for Homes | BC Pilot Study 2014 SCBC invites Responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the opportunity to deliver the services related to our Green Shores for Homes – BC Pilot project. The SCBC is requesting proposals from qualif
Managing Climate Change along Canada’s Coasts Adaption Platform Webinar Series Webinar Discussions for this session includes Best Practices to Address Climate Change for Water Infra-structure in Highway Management in British Columbia (B.C.) Dirk Nyla
SCBC 2013-2014 Annual Report The Stewardship Centre for BC’s 2013-2014 Annual Report (PDF 1006 KB) is available to view or download! This 12-page report reviews the SCBC’s progress over 2013-2014 year, with a focus on projects like Green
A TOOLKIT TO BUILD ADAPTIVE CAPACITY ON CANADA’S SOUTH COASTS. This report was created for the British Columbia Ministry of Environment in the Fall of 2013. This Primer provides an introduction to past and future sea level, an overview of four diff
A two-day workshop, held at the University of Victoria in the fall of 2013 explored the merits and potential challenges to a province-wide Environmental Stewardship Community of Practice. Attendees came together from across British Columbia—with exp
Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer A Toolkit to build adaptive capacity on Canada’s South Coasts. This report was created for the British Columbia Ministry of Environment in the Fall of 2013. This Primer provides an introduction to past and fu
This workshop was a great opportunity to see how coastal communities on Vancouver Island are preparing for the impacts of climate change and sea level rise. Workshop participants learned about sea level rise projections, tools available to assist loc
Our Green Shores Community Workshop was of special interest to community conservation and stewardship organizations. A panel discussion began the evening, sharing information on the applications of the Green Shores program, which promotes sustainable
Green Shores: a Workshop for Coastal Professionals and Decision-Makers Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Place: Vancouver Maritime Museum; 1905 Ogden Avenue; Vancouver, BC V6J 1A3 Download Agenda On November 5, 2013 at the Vanc
SCBC 2012-2013 Annual Report Our annual report for the past year includes an overview of our programs, financial highlights and outreach initiatives. Take a look, learn about our achievements and feel free to contact us for more information!
The SCBC Capacity Building Tool can effectively support the valuable work you do in your community. As the importance of stewardship group work grows, it becomes even more critical for organizations like yours to perform effectively and maximize the