Greenspace for All | Resources
Greenspace for All is a project of the Stewardship Centre for BC and its partners on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The goal of the project is to identify obstacles, find solutions, and take actions that improve equitable access to urban greenspaces (like parks, protected areas and nature reserves) for underserved members of the community.
Below are resources and contacts of various organizations that help connect our community to nature and offer resources and support to those in need.
Capital Regional District
Explore the list of Capital Regional District (CRD) organizations and businesses that offer accessible, affordable or free-of-charge materials and events that connect people to nature.
1) Open (out)Doors is a Queer-led organization in Victoria, BC that seeks to minimize the barriers to accessing greenspaces for marginalized groups that have been historically isolated from the outdoors industry. Their lending library includes sleeping bags and pads, tents, and portable stoves to help you make camping trips possible.
2) Found off the Grid is an inclusive club for students at the University of Victoria that lends outdoor gear and organizes group activities and trips. Their lending library includes gear for hiking, bouldering, snowboarding, and camping. Follow their Instagram account @foundoffthegrid to stay up to date on upcoming trips.
3) RAD Recreation Adapted Society provides adaptive equipment for folks with mobility challenges to recreate outdoors and participate in skiing, snowboarding, hiking, biking, paddleboarding, and wake-surfing. Equipment is available for rent in Langford, Victoria, and Invermere. Visit their website for opportunities to test out their equipment.
4) The Victoria Tool Library recently added outdoor recreational equipment and gear to their lending library, including camping stoves, outdoor games, life jackets, and adaptive equipment for people with lower limb mobility challenges. Visit their website for more information on memberships.
5) Your local library may have a “birding kit” or a “Bird backpack” available to borrow for those looking to try birdwatching, which typically includes binoculars, instructions, and pocket guides. Visit your library’s website or inquire with staff to learn more.
6) Local “Buy Nothing” Facebook groups also offer a unique way to borrow, lend, and receive items from your neighbours. Search for a Buy Nothing group in your neighbourhood, or join one of these groups:
- Buy Nothing Tillicum-Marigold, Victoria
- Buy Nothing Victoria (East)
7) Consignment and rental stores offer opportunities to rent, or purchase used outdoor gear at a lower cost than purchasing brand new. Here are a few companies that offer services in Greater Victoria:
1) Alpine Club of Canada Vancouver Island Section offers group trips for youth, new immigrants, women, and LGBTQ2+ folks as well as gear rentals for members.
2) Capital Regional District’s Nature Outings and Events in Parks calendar includes events for all ages and experience levels, including guided and self-guided nature walks, to learn about different native plants and animals.
3) Gorge Waterway Action Society provides educational and volunteer opportunities for folks to engage in environmental stewardship, learn about local ecology, and contribute to conservation efforts in Esquimalt Gorge Park.
4) Power to Be Programs offers a variety of programs and activities for folks who face barriers to accessing greenspaces and require additional support.
5) Queer Outdoors is a Facebook community for LGBT2Q+ people and friends to recreate outdoors together.
6) Rocky Point Bird Observatory offers monthly guided bird walks and workshops, community education programs, and resources for new and experienced birders.
7) Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary provides educational programs and workshops to foster the connection between people and nature. The sanctuary includes two unique ecosystems and is home to a number of rare and threatened native plants and animals.
8) Youth Empowerment Society’s Down to Earth Program: Offers free opportunities for youth to engage in healthy outdoor activities like hiking and paddle boarding.
1) Gorge Waterway Action Society provides educational and volunteer opportunities for folks to engage in environmental stewardship, learn about local ecology, and contribute to conservation efforts in Esquimalt Gorge Park.
2) Greater Victoria Green Team is a group of volunteers who meet regularly to help conserve, restore, and enhance local greenspaces.