Ten ways to make a difference!
Here are ten things you can help make happen by volunteering or giving a gift.
1. Be a steward of your own property
Many landowners are managing their properties for nature (read some case studies about farmers and ranchers who have practiced stewardship on their land). Others are monitoring and stewarding streams, lakeshores and marine shorelines along their property boundaries (visit SCBC’s Green Shores website to learn what you can do).
2. Restore habitats
3. Offer educational activities to learn about our natural world
4. Open children’s and teachers’ eyes to the wonder of the natural world
5. Raise funds to permanently acquire and manage private land
6. Work with landowners to use covenants to protect ecologically sensitive areas
7. Undertake research projects
8. Promote public awareness of ecological concerns
9. Seek the permanent dedication and management of critical habitat on Crown land
10. Help groups help each other