Green Shores | Projects
Resilient Coasts for Salmon: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change
The Resilient Coasts for Salmon collaborative project was initiated by the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the Stewardship Centre for BC in 2021.
In partnership with the Stewardship Centre for BC, the Pacific Salmon Foundation has secured funding from the Climate Action and Awareness Fund (Environment and Climate Change Canada) to implement a five-year project to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change and shoreline development in coastal communities, provide Green Shores training, and to foster stewardship on shorelines of the southern and eastern coastlines of Vancouver Island.
Project Objectives:
- Work together: engage with Indigenous and local governments, stewardship organizations, and volunteers to positively impact the environment.
- Increase awareness: educate the public on the principles and applications of nature-based solutions in shoreline management, providing habitat for native plants and animals
- Build capacity: offer free training in the Green Shores approach to environmental professionals and the general public.
- Lead by example: build demonstration sites to show real-life examples of Green Shores application and benefits.
- Contribute meaningful data: with help from citizen scientists, create an inventory of shoreline mapping on features such as the extent of hard armouring, eelgrass beds and fish spawning habitat along the East Coast of Vancouver Island. Make this information available through accessible databases.
Project Location and Duration
Thanks to our partners and funders, the 5-year Resilient Coasts for Salmon project will run from April 2021 to March 2026. The project area covers the South and East Coast of Vancouver Island from the Capital Regional District up to Port McNeill and out to the Strait of Georgia Island communities of the Gulf Islands.
Green Shores Demonstration Sites
As part of the Resilient Coasts for Samon project, three demonstration sites will be built along the East Coast of Vancouver Island, allowing for a real-life example of nature-based shoreline management that benefits local communities and coastal environments, providing habitat for wildlife and stabilizing shorelines without the use of rigid hard armour. The sites will achieve Green Shores for Shoreline Development (GSSD) “Gold” Rating, the highest standard of nature-based Green Shores certification for shoreline development projects.
Funders and Partners
The Resilient Coasts for Salmon is a collaborative project of the Stewardship Centre for BC and the Pacific Salmon Foundation. Other project partners include community groups Peninsula Streams Society and Project Watershed, Local Governments (Comox Valley Regional District, Capital Regional District, City of Victoria, Township of Esquimalt) and Indigenous groups and governments such as Komoks Guardian Watchmen, Songhees Nation and Esquimalt Nation.
Thanks to the Climate Action & Awareness Fund of the Environment and Climate Change Canada for funding and supporting this project.

Resilient Coasts for Salmon – News and Updates
Explore the Stewardship Centre for BC’s news and updates on the Resilient Coasts for Salmon project. Click on the image below to read more.
Stay Connected
Visit the Resilient Coasts for Salmon project website to learn more and find opportunities to get involved. Learn more about Green Shores on the Stewardship Centre for BC’s pages.
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