Songhees Walkway Pocket Beach Green Shores Demonstration Site 2025 Update The Songhees Walkway Pocket Beach Enhancement Project restored a popular and highly modified urban shoreline located just southeast of Lime Bay Park in Victoria Harbour to a forage fish pocket beach habitat. The
On July 23, 2023, Times Colonist reported that the Peninsula Streams Society and City of Victoria staff finished a two-year, $170,000 project that brought new life to the city’s harbour. This project is the Songhees Walkway Pocket Beach Green Shores Demonstration Project. It is part o
Songhees Walkway Resilient Coasts for Salmon Project: Green Shores for Shoreline Development Demonstration Site As part of the Resilient Coasts for Salmon (RC4S) project, the Stewardship Centre for BC and Pacific Salmon Foundation partnered with Peninsula Streams Society, the City of