Green Shores | Case Studies
Van Isle Road, Qualicum Bay, British Columbia
↪ Green Shores for Homes project
Project Overview
Location: Qualicum Bay, BC | Project area: Shoreline only |
Year completed: 2017 | Awards: NA |
Shoreline length: 30 m | Shore type: Marine, cobble beach |
Green Shores rating achieved: Chinook (Level 1) | Total points: 34 |
Site Description
This shoreline has a significant length of inter-tidal zone with a flat seabed that extends out to the Strait of Georgia. The low bank beach is gently sloped with cobble-sized material and is subject to dynamic erosion from both high tide and storm events. Erosion is also increased by the consistent prevailing winds from the Northeast.
Project Team and Affiliated Organizations
- Design Build General Contractor: Parksville Heavy Equipment
- Geotechnical Engineer: Lewkowich Engineering Associates Ltd.
- Native Plant Supplier: Streamside Native Plants
Project Objectives
- Repair and stabilize foreshore susceptible to erosion
- Provide beach nourishment, revegetation with native species, and habitat protection
Work Plan
The upper shore that was being undercut from erosion, was regraded to a more natural slope. Along the current ordinary high water mark, a trench with a minimum of 1 m depth and gradual slope of 4:1 was created, and a layer of geotextile was installed to provide a barrier to the migration of fines during wave and tidal action.
A matrix of various sized boulders was placed into the trench to create a soft shore armouring revetment. This was followed by infilling with smaller cobbles, gravel, and sand. The smaller materials provided a growing medium for native shoreline plants such as dune grasses.
Description of how the project meets Green Shores principles
> Maintained/ Enhanced Habitat Function and Diversity
- Some of the riparian buffer was filled in with native vegetation as specified in the planting plan, with the remainder of the buffer to be occupied by exposed boulders, beach rock and woody material.
- Large woody elements were salvaged and retained on site. Some were installed into the revetment and others were placed over the restoration site area. This was in keeping with the natural conditions of the local shoreline and provided microsites for plant regrowth.
- Planting over the area of the revetment was done primarily with native Dune grass to complement the Silver Burweed on site.
- Five existing trees, three Douglas-fir and two Arbutus trees were retained on site to provide some overhanging vegetation.
> Preserved/Restored Shoreline Physical Processes
- Soft shore measures were applied over 95% of the shoreline and a plan for monitoring the project was put into place.
- Additional points were awarded for the retention and placement of existing large logs that will dissipate wave energy and provide habitat value.
> Ecological Services Provided
- Shoreline stabilization.
- Habitat creation.
> Shoreline Collaboration and Public Education
- This project qualified for water quality points because the site disturbance was limited to 20-44 percent of the project area, and because a commitment was made by the landowners to not use synthetic/inorganic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers in routine landscape management.
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