New report: Green Shores Feasibility Inventory
Gorge Waterway and Portage Inlet, BC
The Green Shores Feasibility Inventory for the Gorge Waterway & Portage Inlet, Victoria, BC report evaluates sites in Portage Inlet and the Gorge Waterway in Victoria for potential shoreline restoration projects which could benefit salmonids and other wildlife. The report was produced as part of the Strengthening Adoption of Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Shoreline Resilience in British Columbia project 2021-2026 (aka Resilient Coasts for Salmon), a project of the Pacific Salmon Foundation in collaboration with the Stewardship Centre for BC and multiple partners on Vancouver Island.
The focus of this inventory was on municipally-owned shoreline rights-of-way (especially road ends) and publicly owned shoreline such as parks suggested by municipal staff. The evaluation covers four municipalities (Victoria, Esquimalt, View Royal and Saanich). The document can be considered as a working document allowing for updated maps, photos and information to be added in the future. The document is now available as a community resource for future restoration considerations and can be found here.
The desktop review of potential project areas in Saanich, View Royal, Victoria, and Esquimalt was combined with site visits between April – July 2021. The report noted the general conditions of the sites, along with potential opportunities and barriers to habitat restoration. Other observations included: areas of potential restoration, listing indigenous and invasive/ornamental vegetation species and general coverage, existing structures (roads, paths, walls, etc), physical characteristics (substrate, general slope, intertidal condition, length of shoreline), and adjacent publicly owned areas, access, shoreline types, adjacent aquatic flora and fauna identified in surveys.

A site visit with Sara Stallard from Fish-KW Environmental, the author of the report “Resilient Coasts for Salmon: Green Shores Feasibility Inventory for the Gorge Waterway and Portage Inlet, Victoria, BC”. The photo was taken by DG Blair, 2021.
Thanks to the Climate Action & Awareness Fund of Environment and Climate Change Canada for funding and supporting this project. To learn more about Resilient Coasts for Salmon, visit the project website or find additional information on the Stewardship Centre’s website.