Stewardship Roundtable 2018
A forum and showcase of innovative practices for bird and wildlife conservation
The Stewardship Centre for BC and Bird Studies Canada, in collaboration with the 27th International Ornithological Congress (IOCongress 2018), the Vancouver International Bird Festival (VIBF 2018), and our partners, is convening a Stewardship Roundtable on Friday, August 24, 2018 – a forum and showcase of innovative practices championed in our province
and beyond.
We invite you to put Stewardship in the spotlight and participate in our Stewardship Roundtable, an official event of IOCongress 2018.
Download the detailed program with speaker bios
Friday, August 24, 2018
8:00 AM – Registrant welcome; doors open
8:45 AM – 4:30 PM – Stewardship Roundtable
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Stewardship Poster and Networking Session (free with Roundtable tickets)
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Birds of a Feather (open to the public)
Location: Vancouver Convention Centre West Building, 1055 Canada Place Way, VancouverThe day will be devoted to learning and sharing ideas for action on pressing issues in ecological stewardship. Participants will hear how citizens, local governments, conservation organizations, and stewardship practitioners are meeting the challenges of sustaining environmental health in their communities. Panel presentations, World Café style discussions, storytelling, and networking will all contribute to the development of next step action plans on six theme topics.
Daytime Concurrent Symposia
Climate adaptation for birds and wildlife
Cats and birds living in harmony
Urban Habitat for Wildlife and Birds
Wildlife Management Areas/Important Bird Areas and shorelines
Birds and building collisions
Co-benefits of agricultural lands as bird habitat
Evening Program
Birds of a Feather: The Reciprocal Benefits of Protecting Biodiversity
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Tickets $25 – available now!Explore human-avian relationships at this one-night-only event! After highlighting next steps from Roundtable discussions, Midori Nicholson will demonstrate why birds are valuable coastal indicators and their significance in BC’s Kwakwaka’wakw culture. Our keynote speaker, 2017 Whitley Award-winner Purnima Barman, will share stories from the front lines of her research, advocacy, and outreach with Greater Adjutant Storks (Hargila) in India.
The Stewardship Roundtable is presented by the Stewardship Centre for British Columbia and Bird Studies Canada as part of the 2018 International Ornithological Congress and Vancouver Bird Week.
Join the conversation with #IOCongress2018 and #SRTatIOC.
Click below to register and book your tickets!
Plan your day
Friday, August 24, 2018
8:00 AM – Registrant welcome; doors open
8:45 AM – 4:30 PM – Stewardship Roundtable
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Stewardship Poster and Networking Session (free with Roundtable tickets)
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Birds of a Feather (open to the public)
Location: Vancouver Convention Centre West Building, 1055 Canada Place Way, VancouverSubmit your poster
Is your research relevant to the themes of the Roundtable? We invite you to share your research with stewardship practitioners, the International Ornithological Congress participants, and the general public. Please join the discussion of the stewardship of bird and wildlife populations, and their habitats, in BC and elsewhere. The poster session will take place during a networking event from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Participants will vote on the best poster, for which there will be a non-cash prize.
Download the call for abstracts
Poster presenters must be registered attendees of the Stewardship Roundtable 2018. Submit your poster abstract by August 10 2018 at:
Stay in the loop!
Sign up to receive Roundtable updates and our quarterly newsletter, or join the Stewardship Centre for BC with a free membership.
We invite you to put Stewardship in the spotlight and become a sponsor of the Stewardship Roundtable, an official event of IOCongress 2018 and the Vancouver International Bird Festival.
By supporting Stewardship Roundtable 2018, you contribute to the success of environmental stewardship into the future. Join the conversation and take your seat at the table.To leverage sponsorship opportunities, contact:
DG Blair, Executive Director
Stewardship Centre for BC
Environment and Climate Change Canada
UBC BRITE ProgramSupporters
Feather Friendly
Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Real Estate Foundation of BCPartners
Bird Studies Canada
BC Society of Landscape Architects
FLAP Canada
Give Green Canada
Nature Canada
Planning Institute of British Columbia
SFU-ACT Program
South Coast Conservation Program
Stanley Park Ecology Society
Stewardship Centre for BC
Vancouver Parks Board
Thompson Rivers University